The Healthy Living Blog

How To Get Motivated (And Stay Motivated)

action make time motivation Oct 14, 2020

Motivation! Arrghhh. 

It seems like everyone else has it but you sometimes! Those people you know who get up at 5am to get to the gym. They must just be naturally motivated people right?

Wrong. Motivation is not intrinsic. People are not born with it.

I'm going to share with you two simple strategies that you can do right now to get you feeling motivated and moving closer to your goals each day. 


This is a commitment to YOU and YOUR values, priorities and goals. Making time is a crucial survival habit. If you don't make the time, time will be taken from you. You'll be pushed and pulled by other obligations. Something will always come up, and there's never a perfect time! So don't wait for the perfect time. MAKE the time. Book an appointment with yourself to move each day or to do whatever needs to be done to move you closer to your goals. 

Making time for yourself also helps you to develop practical and valuable life skills such as:

  • Identifying...
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