The Healthy Living Blog

How to Master Meal Prep

Most people know what a healthy, balanced meal looks like. Knowledge is not usually the problem. After all, we live in the digital age - nutrition information is readily available to us 24/7.

However, the battle for most people when it comes to consistently eating healthy, balanced meals is HOW to do it "in real life", whilst juggling the constant challenges. 

You know, like those days when you are late home from work because you get stuck in traffic from an accident on the motorway, your kids are tired and hangry and having near meltdowns... and then one of your kids vomits on the floor!

Without being prepared and having healthy options to grab, it's too easy to just go for those convenient, processed fast foods. 

As a Precision Nutrition certified Nutrition Coach, I teach my clients exactly how to have meal prep strategies in place. The result? Healthy food options to choose from when life throws us those never ending curve balls!

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