Low Stress Strategies to Get More Nutrients Into Fussy Kids

Mealtime. It's a source of frustration and anxiety for SO many parents out there. 

Trying to balance the challenges of busy life and getting nutritious food into your kids is REALLY hard, and you wouldn't be alone if you feel like you're failing. 

But it is possible to win the battle and create a harmonious, stress-free environment at meal times, without having to make the world's healthiest meals or demand your kids eat all their vegetables. 


By being gently persistent and taking a long term approach. Allowing your children to feel like they have some choices and control, by helping them to have a basic understanding of why nutrition is important and providing a safe, low-stress environment at mealtimes. 

The below infographic is an awesome visual guide which provides 9 low stress strategies to help kids get the nutrients they need, plus there are 5 family friendly recipes that most kids will love. 

Download the full version here, in a tablet or printer friendly version so you can always refer to it.




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